Our Story

Baden Bower emerged from a revolutionary idea: what if we could guarantee publicity for our clients without the traditional, time-consuming process of pitching to publications? Our founders recognized that the conventional PR model was fraught with uncertainty and inefficiency. They envisioned a new kind of PR agency—one that could deliver assured results through innovative strategies and deep industry connections.

Today, Baden Bower stands at the forefront of the PR industry, known for our groundbreaking approach: guaranteed publicity without the need to pitch. We've transformed from a bold startup to an industry leader, consistently delivering on our promise to secure media coverage for our clients.

Our Mission

We exist to provide certainty in an uncertain mdia landscape. Our mission is to secure guaranteed publicity for our clients, bypassing the traditional pitching process to deliver swift, reliable, and impactful media coverage. We believe in the power of strategic communication to shape perceptions and drive business growth, and we're committed to making this power accessible and dependable for our clients.

Our Values

  • Certainty: We believe in delivering guaranteed results, not just promises.
  • Innovation: We continuously refine our approach to stay ahead in a rapidly evolving media landscape.
  • Transparency: We provide clear, measurable outcomes for all our campaigns.
  • Partnership: We work closely with our clients, considering them true collaborators in the publicity process.
  • Impact: We measure our success by the tangible business outcomes we generate for our clients.
Baden Bower

Our Team

Baden Bower is home to a diverse team of PR innovators, media relations experts, and content creators. Our unique blend of talents allows us to not only secure guaranteed coverage but to do so in a way that strategically aligns with each client's specific needs and goals.

Our Commitment

We're committed to democratizing access to impactful media coverage. By guaranteeing publicity without the need for pitching, we're leveling the playing field for businesses of all sizes. We believe that every company with a compelling story deserves to be heard, and we're dedicated to making that a reality.

Join Our Revolution

Whether you're a business looking to gain assured media coverage, a professional interested in our innovative approach, or a potential team member excited about reshaping the PR industry, we'd love to connect. At Baden Bower, we're not just adapting to the future of PR—we're creating it.